How to Save Money on College Textbooks

It is no surprise to anyone that college is expensive. Even with all the scholarships available, the cost of college makes a huge dent in your finances. No matter how well you have prepared to pay for college, it is still going to be expensive, and most likely, not all of your costs are going to be covered. For example, once your tuition, room, and board have been paid, there is still the hefty expense of college textbooks.

The bad news is you cannot get around the need for your college textbooks. The good news is there are ways to save money on that expense. Check out the rest of this article to find out how to save money on college textbooks.

  • Stay Away From the Bookstore

The bookstore of the college of your choice has a certain allure to it. The bookstore will be appealing to you, especially if you are an incoming freshman. This may be the first time you have been in a college bookstore, and you are going to want to buy everything you see. Do not let it suck you in. You can find books and college clothing cheaper at other places. Yes, there may be a sweatshirt there that you cannot find anywhere else. You may want to purchase that, but that is it. Do not get sucked into the bookstore.

The bookstore provides you the ultimate in convenience. You can find everything you need and want in one place. Unfortunately, you will pay for that convenience at a much higher price. Most college students do not have an excess amount of money to spend, and it is important to find the best price for your textbooks. When you are looking for the answer to how to save money on college textbooks, the college bookstore is not it. There may be incredibly specific items you must purchase from the bookstore, such as a packet that your professor has put together. Otherwise, look for your books elsewhere.

  • Go For Used Books

The first answer that comes to mind when thinking about how to save money on college textbooks is to look for a used version of your book. There is a substantial market of used textbooks out there. The majority of students use their textbooks for only one semester. There are occasions when you need or want to keep your textbooks, but it is becoming rarer. Choosing to look for used books can save you a significant amount of money, and college students have been doing it for years.

Most of the time, used textbooks are in decent shape. All you need is the ISBN to ensure that you are getting the correct textbook. You can do a search online for used textbooks. In many cases, there are bookstores near your college bookstore that offers used textbooks. Another key point is that many of these stores and sites that handle used books will also buy your books back at the end of the semester. You will not get the amount you paid, but you should get something back for the book. You can find some tools online that allow you to enter the ISBN, and it searches for the best textbook price for you.


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  • Rent Your Textbooks

Another option that is increasing in popularity is to rent your textbooks. It can be a great way for you to save money. If you know that you are not going to keep this book and you can keep it in great shape, renting may be a viable option. However, the reality is when you buy your books and then turn them back in for money, you are not going to get much money back. Renting your textbooks is most popular for textbooks that tend to be super expensive, such as science and math books.

You may have to work with your college bookstore to rent your textbooks, and in this case, it makes sense to do so. It is important that you understand the terms of your rental agreement. You are going to sign an agreement that will hold you to specific requirements:

  1. You cannot lose a book you rent, and you must take exceptionally good care of these books.

  2. If the book has not been cared for when you return it, you will be charged extra fees.

Renting textbooks is not always the best option, especially if you need this textbook for multiple classes. If the resale value of a particular book is high, it may make more sense to buy a new book and resell it. Again, make sure you understand the fee structure and what you will be charged for when you return the book.

  • Use the Library

While this may feel like an archaic option for you, the library at your college or university can be an amazing resource to you. They may have copies of some of your textbooks, especially the more common ones. You could even check the local library in the area of your college. Math and science majors tend to be at a disadvantage here. However, English and other Liberal Arts majors may have more of an advantage. Those majors may have literature or classic novels that are easy to find in the library and other places.

One thing to keep in mind if you want to go the library route is availability may be a concern. It may not be there when you need it. You may not be able to renew the book if you need it longer. If someone else wants that same book, you will not be able to renew it. You can reserve them for when you will need them if you look ahead at your syllabus.

  • Share With a Friend

If you have a friend or a roommate that is taking the same class as you, you can consider sharing the cost of the book(s) for that class. You can split the cost and share the book for the class. This can get a little tricky if you are in class together or need to book for homework. You and your friend will have to work out a schedule of who has the book when. If you both are taking different sections of the class, so you do not have it at the same time, sharing the book can work really well for the two of you.

The key is to create a book-sharing schedule that works for both of you and sticking to it.

  • Consider eBooks

There has been an increase in publishers making their textbooks available in an eBook format. This can be a great option for you. If you purchase an eReader, this can be a great way to carry around your textbooks without having to lug heavy books around. While you can highlight and take notes on an eReader, it may not be the best option if you like to take notes in your books. You may want to use one over the summer before classes start to get used to it, so you will be ready for class. The better you are to navigate the eReader, the smoother the transition will be for you to ebooks. It is even possible for you to rent eBooks now.

Other Ways To Save Money

These are some great ways for you to save money on textbooks for classes. When you are in college, you usually do not have a lot of money and need to find ways to make the most money. One of the best ways to save more money is to be aware of what you have and what you are spending. It is easy to get caught up in spending money when you are out with your friends, but it is important that you make smart money choices now while you are young. A great way to do this is to use a personal expense tracker.

One pitfall for many people is not knowing how they spend their money or even realizing how much they are spending. When you use an expense tracker, you can see how much you are spending and on what. You can also see how much you have to spend so you know if you are going over your budget.

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College textbooks can be a big expense, but they do not have to cost you as much as they would in the past. You have many options available to you where you can find less expensive textbooks. Even though there are many options, they all may not be the right ones for you. Consider all of your textbook options before you jump in and pick one. Sometimes a new book from your college bookstore is the best option, but it is not always. Be thoughtful about the textbook buying decisions you are making to ensure you are setting yourself up for success in your classes and with your finances.