How to Save Money on Health Insurance?

Health insurance is one of those essential items that everyone needs to take care of themselves. The cost of medical care is constantly skyrocketing to unbelievable heights. Therefore, it's crucial for you to get a health insurance policy and save as much money as possible on it. We're here to give you some advice on some of the steps you can take to save money on health insurance. We'll also cover the different types of health coverage you can get. Take these tips to heart and use them if you need to grab a policy for yourself and your family. 

You can save money on health insurance in many ways. Saving money doesn't only pertain to the premiums. It also pertains to deductibles, coinsurance costs, and more. The following are 13 ways that you can save money on your next health insurance policy:

1. Calculate Your Budget

The first thing you need to do before you can truly know how to save money on health insurance is to calculate your budget. You need to know exactly how much money you can comfortably spend on your insurance premium. You can do that by calculating your disposable income. The quick way to make that calculation is to subtract your monthly expense from your monthly income to see what you have leftover.

Make sure that you leave yourself enough money to survive when you go through this process, and then look to see how much you can put toward your premium payments. Keep that figure in mind when you start conducting your search for the perfect healthcare premium, and you'll be just fine. You may also want to use a bill and expense tracker to help you with your progress. 

2. Talk To a Health Insurance Broker

Talking to a health insurance broker can help you to save money on health insurance. A health insurance broker is a person who does not work for a specific health insurance provider. Therefore, that person will have the flexibility to find something that matches your needs perfectly. This person will listen to your needs and requirements and tap into a database of options to find something that fits.

If you tell a broker that you can only spend $50 a month on health insurance, then that broker is going to find you a policy that fits within that range. You can truly save money with this type of person because he or she will care more about what you want than which company you choose to get your services from.

3. Use a Health Insurance Comparision Tool

You can also use a health insurance comparison tool if you're more comfortable looking for policies yourself. Find a reputable comparison site that will show you more than the average cost of the premiums. It will also be good for you to know the star ratings of the companies you're considering signing up with. Decide how many stars you will accept. We advise going with a company that has more than three stars from all of its reviewers. You should be fine with finding a reputable provider if you use that concept to choose who you work with. 

4. Know How the Various Plans Work

Knowledge is power, and so is knowing how the various healthcare plans work. Several types of health insurance plans exist.

HMO Plan

One of the most common types of plans is the HMO. HMO is an acronym for home maintenance organization. HMOs work based on networks. They usually involve strict network guidelines, meaning that you have to see providers within the network to get the maximum benefits. Sometimes, you can't get any benefits if you don't visit an in-network provider. The good thing about HMO plans is that you can usually save money, as they are cheaper than other types of insurance.

PPO Plan

A PPO plan is a preferred provider organization. These plans offer much more flexibility than HMO plans offer. You can sometimes go to any provider you choose with a PPO, and then you have a set copay and coinsurance amount to pay.

Other types of healthcare plans exist, but these are the two main types.

You also need to know about the various components of a healthcare plan. You will have a premium, deductible, and coinsurance or copay with each plan you join.

  • The premium is the amount that you have to pay each month to continue to have the insurance plan cover you.

  • The deductible is a set amount that you will have to pay before the insurance company covers any of the costs for the procedures you receive.

  • A copay is a set amount that you might have to pay to see a certain type of provider.

  • Coinsurance is a percentage you may have to pay for a procedure or a visit.

Knowing how each of these elements work is the best way to get a firm grasp on your budget and find the best policy to suit you. 

5. Play With Your Premiums And Deductibles

One way to know how to save money on health insurance is to adjust your premiums and deductibles. Premiums and deductibles directly affect each other. In other words, if you choose a higher deductible, you will have a lower premium. Thus, you can choose a premium that will put you in that $50 a month range if you like. However, you may have a $2,000 deductible. That means you will have to come up with $2,000 if anything happens that would require you to use your benefits. Think about that carefully before you make any decisions about your policy.  

6. Think About Getting an HSA

An HSA is a health savings account. This is a special type of account that you can put money into to save for medical expenses. This is one way you can learn how to save money on healthcare. Many employers offer HSA accounts to their employees, and they contribute a certain amount of money to those accounts each year for the employees who are signed up with them. Some of them match their employees' contributions to a certain extent. It might be worth it to look into this if you want to know how to save money on health insurance. 

7. Apply For Governmental Insurance

Another thing you may want to do is look into governmental insurance programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and similar options.


You may qualify for Medicaid assistance if your income is below the poverty level, or you are pregnant or caring for a minor child.


You may qualify for Medicare if you're of age, or you have a specific disability and such. It will be well worth your time to complete an application to see if you qualify.

You might be able to complete a short application that will tell you within minutes if you might be eligible. Then, you can take it a step further and complete the entire lengthy application. You'll need to have quite a bit of information on hand to apply for these benefits successfully. You will need to have the social security numbers of every person who lives in your household.

You'll also have to provide information about the jobs you've worked and the income you earn from such jobs. The entity may ask you to provide pay stubs so that you can apply for these services. Usually, it will take a few weeks to get an answer from the entity. However, you may have to wait longer than a month if the entity has a lot of applications.  

8. Check Out the Marketplace

You can also check out the government's healthcare marketplace if you want to know how to save money on health insurance. The marketplace offers unique healthcare plans to people who don't qualify for Medicaid and such plans. The application process works in a similar fashion to the other processes.

You'll need to enter information about your income, the people who live in your household, and so forth. You'll find out if you are eligible for coverage at the end of the process, and then you can choose a plan that best meets your needs. You may also be eligible for the premium tax credit, which allows you to pay a low premium for your healthcare because the government offers to pick up the tab for the rest. 

Open enrollment is roughly from November to January. You have to be eligible for a special enrollment period if you intend to sign up for coverage any time outside of the open enrollment period. You'll have to complete a questionnaire and let the organization know if you've recently gotten married, divorced, had a child, lost a job, or something similar. If eligible, you can go through the process of choosing your provider. If you are not eligible for open enrollment, you will need to wait until the next free enrollment period. 


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9. See What's Available At Your Job

The good thing about working in the corporate world is that it will often entitle you to sign up for healthcare benefits. Some employers offer their employees health insurance from the first day they work. Other employers don't offer this insurance until their workers have been on the job for two to three months. You'll be eligible to get premium healthcare benefits for a lowered premium because your employer will cover some of the costs for you.

You may want to talk to your employer's benefits coordinator about what's available to you. That's one surefire way to know how to save money on healthcare insurance. You'll have access to all the benefits as long as you're working for the company. You will lose your regular coverage once you stop working for that employer. However, you will still be entitled to sign up for COBRA continuation coverage once you leave the employer. COBRA has much higher premiums because the employer no longer covers that part of the payment. 

10. Get a Discount

In some situations, you might be able to gain access to a discount on your healthcare insurance. For example, you may be able to get a discount by being part of a specific club, such as a roadside rescue club. Maybe your credit union can connect you to a discount on healthcare benefits. You may also be part of a club such as AARP, and they may offer a small benefit on your healthcare coverage. You have a vast assortment of options you can use to lower the expenses for your healthcare. Look into each of these options and utilize the ones that work for you.

Three more ways to save money on a health insurance policy:

11. Pick a Plan That Only Suits Your Needs

When choosing your healthcare insurance plan, you'll need to review the features and services of that plan. You don't ever have to choose a plan that offers a bunch of bells and whistles that you don't need. For example, you don't need to buy an expensive healthcare plan that offers fertility treatment if you don't need such treatment. The premium might be much higher for this type of plan. That's why you should focus on only services that you do need or will need to obtain in the future.

12. Bundle Your Insurance

You can also get a discount on your healthcare insurance by bundling it with another policy you might need. Some providers offer other services, such as homeowners insurance, auto insurance, and life insurance, as well as healthcare insurance. You can request a bundle of insurance plans through this type of provider and receive a generous discount on your healthcare insurance. Make sure you ask questions, so you'll know how to save money on healthcare insurance. This will be a great opportunity for you to obtain all the coverage you need and get a beautiful discount on the healthcare that you require.

13. Try a Medical Discount Plan

Another option that you might be interested in is a medical discount plan. A medical discount plan is not healthcare insurance, but it can help you save money on healthcare. The way it works is that you will pay an annual fee for membership to the discount plan. You'll then receive a discount on various medical procedures. You may find that having this plan helps you to save money on healthcare insurance because you won't have to buy as much of it as you normally would. If that's the case, you should look into it and think about getting yourself a policy ASAP.

Contact Us for Assistance

You should now have a healthy amount of knowledge about health insurance policies so that you can save more money on them the next time you have to get one for yourself. Use one or several of these tips so that you can get your needs met in the health field. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have about this topic or any topic from the personal finance realm. We are personal finance advocates for individuals and small businesses. Our main goal is to help such people meet their goals. We are not a lender, but we have abundant connections with reputable lenders in various fields. You can feel confident reaching out to us to connect to a lender for a product or service you feel you need. Such services include home loans, car loans, personal loans, credit cards, and the like. 

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